Real Estate Investor Cash Flow (DSCR) Mortgage Loans
The Best Loan for Real Estate Investors Looking to Qualify with No Employment or Income is a DSCR or Debt Service Coverage Ratio Loan!
This Non-QM mortgage product uses the Net Operating Income (Cash Flow) from the subject investment property to qualify the loan. It does not require full documentation for the owner of the property or LLC, typically rates are set based on the FICO score of the primary borrower, but employment and income documentation are not required.
DSCR = Net Operating Income/Debt Service (Principal + Interest)
DSCR Mortgage Programs Available:
Purchase / Refinance / Cash-Out Refinance
Up to 80% LTV
Up to 30 Year Fixed
Up to 40 Year Interest Only
Up to $1M Loan Amount
No Income or Employment Used
600+ Credit Minimum
1-4 Unit Properties
Condos & PUDs Allowed
LLC's Allowed